Looking for HCI students
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I'm in the process of contacting HCI students to let them know about a project concerning usability of voting equipment. Voting equipment manufacturers have been resistant to improving the usability of their voting equipment even though usability concerns played a significant role in the elections of 2000 and in the passing of the Help America to Vote Act (HAVA). An idea that is being explored in this project is to have the customers of voting equipment manufacturers, who are election officials, start writing letters to the CEO's of these companies about the need for usability in voting equipment. As part of this project, HCI students from around the U.S. are being contacted to help with reaching out to election officials and explaining to them what usability is. A brief description of this usability outreach project is online at:
Please feel free to distribute this web page to HCI students, faculty, researchers, mailing lists, etc, who/which might be interested in this outreach project. Also, please don't hesitate contacting me if you have any questions.
Thanks very much.
Scott Luebking