Siemens digital graffiti o SMSs conscientes de la localización?
Siemens ha desarrollado algo que llaman graffiti electrónico y consiste en un sistema para poder anclar mensajes SMS a un determinado punto geográfico. Cuando la persona llega a ese punto recibe el mensaje.
In the future, mobile phone users will be able to leave messages anywhere in the form of what might be termed electronic post-its. They will be able to post virtual messages referring to a specific location wherever they are needed. Siemens researchers have now created the technical basis and the computer programs for this “digital graffiti service.” The Siemens Corporate Technology’s research laboratory in Munich under the directorion of Dieter Kolb developed computer programs that assign cell phone messages to specific locations. The user can leave a message, known as a digital graffito, at any geographical point. This is a kind of SMS attached to one spot. When the recipient reaches the defined point, the message appears on his or her display.